Major Security Services

About Us

A premier provider of security guard services in Calgary is Major Security Services. Major Security Services has established a reputation for providing reliable security services. With surprisingly competitive and affordable pricing, our brand radiates quality. As a security company, we value our clients on the outside as well as those on the inside (our employees). A group of seasoned security guards supported by committed and knowledgeable managers and supervisors who only have your best interests in mind work to our clients’ advantage.

At Major Security Services, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service by coming up with innovative solutions that surpass their demands. We are among the best in Calgary when it comes to security service delivery thanks to our skilled security professionals’ unmatched attention to detail and in-depth knowledge of the security and protection sectors. We are committed to working with you to identify the security solution that best suits your needs, regardless of whether you require one or all of our services. We also promise to provide our clients with the same high caliber of customer support. Our first concern is always making sure you trust Major Security Services with your safety.


Our Mission

Our mission is to protect our clients’ people, property, and business operations in order to make the world a safer place. Our unwavering commitment to the highest professional standards wherever we operate helps us to fulfill our mission. As a company, we operate according to our core values and take pride in the work we do and the entrepreneurial spirit we possess. Our culture is built upon our core values of integrity, trust, vigilance, and respect.

A security firm called Major Security Services serves both big and small businesses with a broad range of security services. We are expanding quickly and are among the security companies in Calgary that are growing the fastest, thanks to our reputation for excellence in the field. Major Security Services is dedicated to safeguarding the communities we assist in protecting. We are citizens first and foremost, not just security experts. Furthermore, we take great satisfaction in making communities safer for everyone—not just our clients.

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